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Natural Living Center
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209 Longview Drive, Bangor, ME 04401
Monday - Saturday 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM, Sunday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Memorial Day Hours 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
(207) 990-2646
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Go Nuts for Health!
The more you hear about the dangers of a diet high in saturated fats (think red meat and full-fat dairy foods), the more you may think about changing your eating plan. But products labeled "fat-free...
Meet Your Microbiome
Next time you put a fork of food in your mouth, consider its effects on the trillions of beneficial bacteria that call your body home. These bacteria outnumber your human cells 10 to 1, and they have...
Top 10 Ways to Get Kids to Be Active
Give Kids the Opportunity to Be Active - Take the time to play with your children. Five minutes here, 10 minutes there makes all the difference. Try to plan family walks when you can, and even though...
Too Sweet to Share
Chocolate is good for you. . . Eating dark chocolate helps restore flexibility to arteries and prevents white blood cells from sticking to the walls of blood vessels. Those two factors play key roles...
Ready, Set, Learn! Back-to-School Nutrition
"Study after study shows that you can increase intelligence, attention span, concentration, problem-solving ability, emotional response, mood, physical coordination--all the facets of intelligence--...